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Sovereign Crest | The Disgrace
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Awarded: 06 Sep 2024, 03:22
Character Name: Sovereign Crest Gender Identity: Female  Romantic Orientation: Any and all
8 days ago
OOC Minecraft Username:  Audianna Are you at least 18 years old?: Yes! (20, turning 21 in december) Have you read the rules? (Link): I have! (Optional) Were you referred by someone? If so, who: Razzleberry_19 (Optional) Introduce yourself if you’d like, as well as any creations you want to share (e.g. art, builds, skins): Hello! My name is Audianna and I like to build, skin, and draw! I usually do charity and raffle events! Sometimes I host movie/game nights as well! — In-Character Read the following prompt: The rhythmic lull of hoofbeats are a marching drum to the small group of pioneers and variety of folk you have found yourself amongst, packed into a wobbling wagon. The rolling plains of the Southern Reach and a clear sky stretch out all around you, the buzz of excited chatter a dull wash in your ears as your mind strays to your former life and what has led you here to new lands. “Nervous?” You blink, returning to the present moment. A kindly older woman sat near you is smiling warmly with a crinkle to her eyes. “I can tell it’s your first time. Still remember mine,” she flashes a grin and leans in. “Tell me my dear, why have you come to the Reach?” How do you respond (in character)? (150 words minimum) Sovereign looks down beside her. It takes the greatling a moment while she gathered her thoughts. ”I’m.. here for work related purposes,” It wasn’t a lie. It also wasn’t the truth either. “I am here to open a shop, a tailory to be exact. I come from the Empire just over from here. I make fine clothing. I am interested in selling it to those interested in making a name for themselves out here in the reach. Outside of weapon-slinging and mudslinging.” Sovereign really had no idea what she was getting into. Really just getting to the first place that could possibly promise something. All she knew were rumors from others around her. The reach would be dirty. There would be commoners and thieves and possibly criminals as well. It wasn’t like Sovereign had much of a choice leaving her home.   Sovereign left out a few key details of why she was coming. Perhaps wishing to keep small details to herself. But anyone from the Valken Empire who was involved in minor noble - Aristocracy- affairs would know. Sovereign was a disowned noble of a Baroness. Adopted by a Nua Sidhe for a better life just to sully its family name by being caught in a scandal concerning commoners and servants she worked with. Marking her family name, disgracing her parents, and getting herself shunned from the rest of aristocracy as she chased parties, wine, and women. Sovereigns hand tightened around the handle of her suitcase as she looked around the crowded wagon. Making sure there would be no prying hands into her fabric goods. ”I plan on making a name for myself too. A legacy for my shop.. Threading Crests.” Sovereign reaches her hand out to pick up at the womans, reaching the older womans hand up to her mouth. An… odd gesture of respect.   ”I’ve taken on the name Sovereign Crest. Thank you for inquiring about me. And you are?” Sovereign would wait for a reply. Wishing to hear more about the southern reach and any other stories the woman had to offer her. — Character Name:  Sovereign Astelle Crest Character Race:  Greatling raised Valk Character Age: 28 Brief Physical Description: Sovereign is a 10’3” greatling who suffers from  gigantism. Due to this she is bound to a backbrace, cannot melee/mundane fight, and cannot focus for long periods of time (Height scale breaking permission from Reedie) Sovereign dyes her naturally white hair red using carrot and tomato juice and pastes. Sovereign has a more pale complexion, nearly mirroring humans if it wasnt for her grey undertones. Sovereign has grey slit eyes.   Sovereign originated with tusks and horns, however had been dehorned and detusked by her adopted parents to almost pass as human in a valken society.   Sovereign wears darker clothing, often gothic. Her makeup resembling the same. Sovereign is still too young as a greatling to have any freckles or moles show up on her face.
3 months ago