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Actions & Combat

In any event where combat is unfolding, all participants in the combat enter combat-time, where each person goes one after the other until the combat has been resolved. This can be done for event combat, or for player-vs-player (PvP) combat. No matter the event, any party involved is allowed to request a third-party DM from the staff team, if available.


When entering combat, all players involved must roll initiative to determine what order they move in. All players roll a DEX test (2d10 + DEX modifier), and proceed in the order from most to least. If two combatants tie, the character with the higher DEX goes first. If both have the same, they re-roll to determine which one of them goes first.

If a new person or party joins the combat (at DM's discretion), they are always added to the very end of the turn order. NPCs (both friend and foe) can either roll for initiative, be put at the front of the turn order, or the end of the turn order, at DM's discretion.

To roll for initiative, use /roll dex while in-game.

Actions in Combat

On a character's turn, they can take a total of two actions and move up to 5 metres (5 blocks), unless otherwise stated.

A character may take these actions in whatever order they wish, but they must take both actions together: a character cannot take one action then hold for another character's turn before taking their second action. A character cannot split their movement: they cannot move 2 blocks, take two actions, then move 3 blocks. They must move all at once. The available actions are:

• Dash
Move an extra 4 metres (4 blocks) in any direction. This may be affected by armour or other effects on a character.
• Evade
Until your next turn, when attacked you can roll a DEX: Acrobatics test with a modifier of -3 to attempt to dodge.
• Attack
Make an attack with your equipped weapon (or unarmed). Multiple actions may be required depending on a weapon's class: see the Weapons section.
• Use
Use a consumable item (e.g. a potion) from the character's 'inventory' or interact with an object in the environment such as a lever.
• Hide
Make a DEX: Stealth test. On a success, your next action goes undetected. If your character has already been noticed, the test is done with a modifier of -3.
• Ability
Make use of an ability gained by an object, Feat, or other source. Unless otherwise specified, this only requires one action.

Examples of three tests, rolling a 2d10:

Tests & Checks

Tests are used to determine the outcome of an action only when the outcome is in doubt. For example, a well-experienced doctor setting a nose back into place does not have to roll an INT: Healing test to determine the outcome. It can be assumed to be a success. When in doubt, roll.

All tests on Avalore are done as a 2d10 (two 10-sided dice), meaning your roll will be between 0 and 20. By using 2d10 rather than a single d20, rolls are more likely to land in the middle of the pack (i.e. you will roll closer to 10 on average) then towards the extremes.

There is no rolling advantage or disadvantage on Avalore. Instead, all dice rolls have a modifier attached to them. For instance, if you are trying to do a particularly difficult roll, a DM may choose to give you a modifier like -2. This means 2 is subtracted from whatever your roll is to get your final outcome.

All tests are done with a difficulty check (DC) of 12. This means if you get higher than 12, you succeed, and if you get lower than 12, you don't. If you roll between 10-12, you get a mixed success roll, to be interpreted at a DM's discretion.

Use /roll [skill/stat] in-game to do a test or check (e.g. /roll stealth or /roll strength). You can also add a modifier if the DM directs you to, e.g. /roll perception -2 or /roll dexterity +1.


Weapons on Avalore are divided into various classes such as daggers, crossbows, longbows, etc. Some weapon classes may have a stat requirement, such as a +1 in DEX or a +2 in STR. All weapons can be equipped from the character's 'inventory' as a free action, but the number actions required to use the weapon depend on the class. A character cannot carry more than 2 weapons on them at any given time, though can carry either a meteor hammer or small blade for free.

When making any attack, roll to see if you hit your target. Normally this roll is a normal test (2d10), however there may be modifiers depending on the weapon being used (see Weapons Index, below), Feats, or other circumstances at a DM's discretion (e.g. in a situation where hitting a target is unlikely, a DM may impose a negative modifier). You must have line of sight to attack something (whether melee or ranged), meaning there cannot be something in the way between you and your target.

Please note: child characters under the age of 14 have a -3 penalty to all aim checks.

For specific information on each of the weapon classes, refer to the Weapons Index.


Similar to weapons, Armour on Avalore is divided into a few classes, some of which have a stat requirement (usually STR). While armour does not affect an attacker's ability to hit you, it does affect how much damage you take. A character can only carry one set of armour at a time.

Please note: child characters under the age of 14 cannot wear anything heavier than light armour.

For specific information on each of the armour classes, refer to the Armour Index.


A number of items can be used as consumables. Unless otherwise stated, these are one-use items which should be cleared after use. A character can hold up to 4 consumables of any type at a given time. For a list of consumables, please refer to the Crafting Index.

Use /consume in-game to use up the item in your hand and remove it from your inventory. A message will appear in chat indicating the item has been used.

Health, Damage & Death

Every character on Avalore has 20 HP. Their HP represents how long stamina, strength and sheer luck can carry them through danger. When a character's HP reaches 0, they become Critical — they are bleeding out, teetering on the edge; a moment away from being struck by a decisive, killing blow.

While a character is Critical, the character is limited to a single action per turn, struggling to cling to life. They can exert themselves and get an extra action in exchange for a death roll. If hit while critical, a character must also make a death roll.

Unless otherwise specified by a DM, a death roll is a STR: Fortitude test. If a character fails this test, they die. For non-lethal events (e.g. a spar), a failed death roll can result in a character merely falling unconscious — but all participants must consent to this. If you get a critical success (20) on your death roll, your character is back up with 1 HP.

If your character escapes the source of danger (e.g. fleeing, hiding somewhere safe, clearing the enemies), they are stabilized to 1 HP.

Death need not be the end: your character can revive via The Storyteller.


If a character has been treated or is otherwise off-screen able to get medical treatment, they are able to recover a maximum of 5 HP per day. If you feel your character's injuries are more severe, you can choose to heal less (or not at all) at your discretion. Without medical treatment (e.g. your character is trapped and injured), natural healing per day should be no more than 3 HP, unless there are unique circumstances at play.

To increase healing rate, there are certain consumable items a healer can use, listed in the Crafting Index. Additional healing methods through Alchemy are currently being developed by the Systems Team.

Please note: It is up to you to keep track of your character's HP. Staff are not going to hover over your shoulder, but if you are powergaming (e.g. seen going to multiple combats back to back with full health each time without explanation), you may be subject to a warning / moderation action. Do us all a favour and play fair.


All characters on Avalore have three main systems to worry about: their Stats and Skills, Feats, and Experience (how you upgrade stats, skills, and feats). Other systems are in place for the arcane (mages) and fabled feats and artifacts, which you can read on the Arcane and Fable Overview pages respectively.

Characters can be created in-game by typing /character create [name]. After creation, typing /character will give you information about the character and the ability to update their information.

Stats & Skills

Avalore has 4 key Stats which represent core parts of your character: Dexterity, Intelligence, Harmony, and Strength. All new characters begin with each stat at 0. Each stat then has three Skills under it: these skills are more specific abilities of your character. All new characters begin with each skill at 0.

All stats and skills can range from -3 to +3. A skill check is made with a 2d10 plus a modifier that adds up both the relevant stat and your skill: so, for example, if you have a -1 in Dexterity and a +2 in Stealth, your Stealth checks would be at +1 (adding them together).

View your character's stats in-game by typing /character stats. View another person's active character stats in-game by typing /stats [username].

"You have to hit me to kill me."
• Acrobatics
Jumping, dodging, and reflexes.
• Stealth
Hiding, keeping quiet, and general fine motor control.
• Thievery
Lockpicking and sleight of hand.
"If I recall from Morton's Monsters, 18th Edition ..."
• Healing
Usage of medical devices, ability to identify ailments and perform treatment. Includes alchemy and potions.
• Perception
Investigation of items, scenery and people. Includes insight.
• Research
All general history and research checks that are non-arcane. Also includes designing and researching new items.
"There is a beauty in how the world works."
• Arcana
Usage of arcane items and used for spellcasting as a mage.
• Nature
Creation and usage of traps, animal handling, botany, and salve-making.
• Belief
Ability to interpret and commune with divine figures and make use of spiritual objects, both good and ill.
"/Nothing/ can stop me: no poison, distance, or weight."
• Fortitude
Resistance to physical damage taken, including poisons.
• Athletics
Running, jumping, carrying. General physical exertion.
• Forging
Blacksmithing, crafting, building. Any sort of physical carpentry work.


Feats are specific traits or bonuses that provide some kind of mechanical ability to a character, such as allowing for dual wielding of swords without a penalty or increasing movement. All characters begin without any feats, and can unlock new ones via experience, detailed in the Experience section below.

Normal characters can have a maximum of 10 feats, even if they have enough experience to purchase more. These include both 'normal' feats that are listed in the Feats Index, but also fable feats that are gained from Fables (read the fable overview page for more information).

Those who engage in the arcane arts (i.e. sorcerers, mages) lose some or all of their feat slots and also have to take hindrances: read more on the Arcane page.

Normal feats and hindrances are listed in the Feats Index.

Please note: if your character has more than the maximum feats allowed for a mage when becoming one, they will have to give up the extra feats above their limit. Characters will be refunded the XP of these feats accordingly.

View your character's feats in-game by typing /character feats.

Experience & Progression

Experience (XP) is gained by participating in events on the server. Events under an hour grant 3 XP, and events over an hour grant 4 XP. Certain special events (e.g. campaign events) may award as much as 6 XP. Every new player starts with 20 XP.

A character can get up to a maximum of 10 XP per week with a maximum per character of 200 XP total. This XP can be allocated in the following ways:

Spend XP on the following options in-game by typing /xp.

Upgrade a Skill • 6 XP
Select a skill to upgrade up to a maximum of +3.
Upgrade a Stat • 20 XP
Select a stat to upgrade up to a maximum of +3.
Unlock a Feat • 12 XP
Select a Feat to add to your character from the Feats Index.
Trade a Skill • 4 XP
Select a skill to upgrade up to a maximum of +3, and another skill to decrease to a minimum of -3.
Trade a Stat • 14 XP
Select a stat to upgrade up to a maximum of +3, and another stat to decrease to a minimum of -3.


• Where are the charisma, persuasion, etc. skills?
In MCRP, we have found that charisma skills generally go under-used. Given most of your interactions are with other players, if you want your character to be charismatic (or not), simply roleplay them that way!
• "[x] is overpowered!" or "[x] needs a buff!"
If you wish to make a case that a given weapon category, armour category, feat, etc. is over/under-powered, please comment in our feedback forum.