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I'm bringing this thread back
1 day ago
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  • what were those guys talkin about
    2 months ago
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  • I wish I could say
    about 1 month ago
    all the little hulkamagiacs know
    2 months ago
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  • Dee
    all the little hulkamagiacs know
    2 months ago
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    3 months ago
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    Where the fuck I am...
    Here from the start!
    Here from the start!
    Be a part of Avalore's pre-launch.
    Awarded: 30 Aug 2024, 23:53
    [ ! ] Amidst the chaos of the past few hours, a figure is seen slinking around the fishing huts before leaving again. The only evidence of them being there is a parchment pinned to a door with a knife, addressed to the Phonquis brothers. The simple script reads: "Beach, near the sunken vessel. The leader comes alone." ( @NOS402 )
    9 days ago
    The first of these has been concluded! If you left early, let me know so I can get you the XP. Thank you all for coming!
    26 days ago
    The Bracket for the first Fight Night! This will be taking place tomorrow, 9/27 at 6 EST!
    27 days ago
    (Art Credit)   Fight Night! (I'm going to work on formatting, making this pretty and all that) Calling all combatants of the Reach! For entertainment, coin, and glory there will be recurring fighting tournaments held outside of the tavern near the fighting pits! A prize of 100 crowns will be awarded to the winner, with consolation prizes of 50 for second place, and 25 for third and fourth. General Rules: Fights are done in a bracket style, get to the end to be the winner. Each fight will have a maximum of 10 usable HP. Once a fighter has taken 10 damage(or over it) the fight will be called. Between rounds, each fighter is able to heal up to half of the damage taken in the last round to their HP pool. If a fighters current HP is less than 10, at the start of a fight they will use that number instead. Partial successes will give your opponent a +1 to attacks made in their next turn. These are not fights to the death, and any killing either intentionally or not will result in disqualification. While fighting, keep emotes short and concise. Keep OOC chatter/arguing to a minimum, the fight coordinator will be final say on any disagreements.   Each tournament will be focused on one form of combat below: Fists only: Bare knuckle brawling, no weapons or armor allowed. Feats are allowed, fabled feats and magic are not. Weapons: Duels with weapons and armor. Any weapons are allowed, and armor up to medium. Feats are allowed, fabled feats and magic are not. Full combat: No restrictions aside from the general rules.   Please don't post on this thread, this is going to be a place to keep track of current and previous brackets, alongside winners, champions, and special events.
    about 1 month ago