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Awarded: 12 Sep 2024, 20:58
Leokas "Leo" Folland Art by Brandy <3 Rancher, Woodwright, Amateur Bowyer A homesteader and a carpenter, Leo was raised to be self-reliant - a true man of the land, or so he prides himself to be. Far from an old fellow, he's still one of the older denizens of the Spire,  nigh-on thirty seven years old. Some twenty-odd years of toiling away at land had left him looking a few years older, though, what with the sun-scarred skin on his face leaving marks that weren't likely to disappear soon. Not grand in stature like his Greatling chums Rott or Bracchus, he stands at just over six feet in height, albeit not always, thanks to a decades old wound in his right knee. In spite of the injury, Leo was able as any other handyman, strong of stature and build - befitting a man who swings a big axe at towering lumber. Another notable part of his appearance are the warped and fractaling scars that start at his right hand and travel up the length of his arm; a grim reminder of his stint in the 'wishing well'. He considers himself an observant man, though it isn't difficult to find him distracted with whatever task he's busied himself with. Unlike many who hail from as far north as Frostpeak or Tamohn, Leokas wouldn't call himself an enterprising individual like many Valks, but he has yet to falter in offering a hand around town where he can help, contributing his handiwork to town-wide efforts like moving lumber for future defenses. In recent times, he's taken up learning the finer details of woodworking, such as the detail-oriented creation of crossbows and recurves. While welcoming to all those that he has met in the Reach, there are many stories and secrets yet to be told. Art by N.C. Wyeth Got friends?RottYou've a hard head, but you're of sound mind, and a hard worker to boot. I'd trust a blade from no other. Bracchus TalltuskStubborn as all hell, but I'd be damned if you weren't the first man I'd go to for swinging steel. I know you'd have my back. Konrad RadziwillA man well traveled. I find it difficult to confide in some folks, but you're one of few. I'd share a drink and another story if you asked. Calomir of MorwynYou leave me confused with your big words, but I trust you like any good friend. Thank you for leading that search party. LockeSkilled with those knives. Good drinking buddy. ArtoriusI'll leave the monster hunting to the experts. MalikethA nascent knight. Lighten up a little. PetrusInquisitive to your very core. I wish I was half as bright as you. I'd be lying if I said I didn't want to see what lay beneath that mask. AnnalistAnother curious mind. Nice hat. OlivierA helpful hand accompanied by a keen mind, and some slightly unsettling eyes. Sorry if I look at you strange every now so often. RhutelanOne of many bards in the Spire. While you weren't much help on our mining expedition, the tunes were a morale boost. EithnaI should've kept that crown. MyraDevoted to your shrine, and to your closest friends. Admirable. KalibriYour eagerness to gather the masses and defend the Spire is fearsome. I count myself lucky to be on your side. DrenmirYou seem wise beyond your years. I'd like to chat one day. Hex LiaraYou're devoted to your new guild, and I respect that. Thank you for the baked goods. SeleneAn unsung hero. I am ever thankful for the relieve you gave upon my return. ParsnipI needed a good laugh. I'd be afraid to find myself the target of one of your jokes. HelaraMayhap I was too quick to pass judgement on you. These are foreign lands, after all. EtwynEnjoy the bow, and let me know if I did it right. Mera LiaraAnother one of those games on the shore, some day. J.P.You stink like horseshit. More to come, probably! Art by Winslow Homer      
41 minutes ago
[!] Freshly tacked to the noticeboard is a flyer. Written in mostly discernible scribbles reads:Carpenter of more than twenty years experience. Homes, roofing, cartwrighting, the works.Layman fletcher - crossbows and recurves both, bolts and arrows too if you're lucky.Head north from the gate and follow the road beyond the guildhall. Look for twin pillars of smoke.LEOKAS FOLLAND[!] Drawn so helpfully beneath the large, uneven signature was an arrow pointing to the left.
3 days ago
[!] Scribbled among the other signatures was a name in large, disorderly letters: "LEOKAS FOLLAND"
4 days ago
Someone tore down the poster.
4 days ago
Event Name: Investigating the disappearance of Leokas FollandBrief Decription: Locke and Calomir organized a ragtag band of townsfolk to investigate the disappearance of Leokas. They searched his home and the area surrounding it, as well as a few key places within the Spire.Players:thiefclass | LockeHesparne | Calomirelectricwisekid | MalikethHayHai | AtalsaraiDraKonum | ArtoriusFryzbee | DrenmirHeie_ | KethronDinomono | BracchusDocProkaryote | Konradneji101 | OlivierPrince_Akuma27 | ElionWas it over an hour? Yes, just under 2 hours. paid - @Charybdis
16 days ago